Yoho io s Mods
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Keyboard: move with WASD or arrow keys, SPACE to attack

Yoho ho is a thrilling multiplayer pirate battle yoho that plunges you into a world of swashbuckling adventure. Set sail on the high seas, armed with nothing but your wits and a trusty sword, as you navigate through treacherous waters filled with rival pirates.

The objective? To become the most feared pirate captain by plundering treasure, sinking enemy ships, and expanding your crew. The game's simple controls and fast-paced gameplay make it easy to pick up and play, yet challenging enough to keep you hooked for hours on end.

With its charming retro graphics and addictive gameplay, Yoho 2 PRO.io is a must-play for anyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a pirate. So, hoist the Jolly Roger, raise the anchor, and prepare for adventure on the high seas!

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Your muse regenerates: 10 Health Points/s
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Yoho 2 PRO